About Me

Cathy Sue CarpenterCathy Sue Carpenter

Who am I? Well, I have no idea anymore as it changes on a daily basis. I’m an older mom who has been constantly reinventing herself in order to grow, make a living and most importantly being a mommy. As a mom, I never have it figured out or once I think I do, my son’s needs change and it’s back to the drawing board. It keeps me on my toes and half crazy at the same time. So why read my blog? Well to laugh and maybe find a nugget of useful information that may make your life easier. Why make a comment on my blog? To make me laugh and maybe give me a nugget of information that would make both my readers and my life easier.

In my previous life…prior to being a mom, I worked in Advertising and Marketing for worldwide companies such as Ogilvy & Mather and InterfaceFLOR. I worked on everything from ice cream to baby food, to carpet tiles for the home.

I then started my own marketing agency and worked with all sorts of businesses in a wide variety of industries: commercial flooring installers, artificial turf, jewelry designers, global real estate, custom metal foundry, sports associations, doctors and IT governance.  The list keeps on growing and I love it. I find it fascinating to learn about new things and being able to bring it all together with my previous experience. Even when it doesn’t seem like a business or an industry has anything to do with each other, there always tend to be some random pieces of information that bring a wealth of knowledge to the project. My experience encompasses strategic planning, research, design, copy, branding, advertising, direct mail, public relations, social media and event management. Which all seemed to help in mommyland.

Thank for reading!

Cathy Sue Carpenter

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